

  1. Developing new adsorbent technologies for removing nitrate from water

    Elevated nitrate concentration is a multifaceted problem. In surface water and groundwater, it can cause eutrophication. When present in drinking water, nitrate can threaten human health – for example, it can cause methemoglobinemia in infants. Thus, finding a way to remove nitrates from water is important for human and environmental health.

    Published September 2017 Issue 18
  2. Title blight: is our public policy for contaminated sites creating barriers to remediation?

    Since the 1970s, legislation and regulations have been progressively developed and more stringently implemented in Australia to protect human health and the environment from the adverse effects of land and water contamination. Little research on the consequences of these actions and the extent of the impact on remediation efforts exists in Australia.

    Published September 2017 Issue 18